How Long Does Exterior Paint Take to Dry? Quick Tips

Written By James Donald
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Over 12 years of experience in the painting industry. Feel free to contact us with painting-related queries or comments.
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Painting the exterior of your house is an important task. You want it to look perfect. But how long does exterior paint take to dry? This is a common question. Let’s find out the answer.

Factors That Affect Drying Time

Several factors affect drying time. Here are the main ones:

  • Type of paint
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind
  • Surface type

Type Of Paint

Different paints have different drying times. Latex paint dries faster. It can take 1 to 2 hours to dry to the touch. Oil-based paint takes longer. It can take 6 to 8 hours to dry to the touch.


Temperature plays a big role. Paint dries faster in warm weather. The ideal temperature is between 50°F and 85°F. If it’s too cold, the paint will take longer to dry. If it’s too hot, the paint can dry too quickly. This can cause problems like cracking.


High humidity slows down drying time. Moisture in the air prevents the paint from drying quickly. Low humidity helps the paint dry faster.


Wind can affect drying time too. A gentle breeze can help the paint dry faster. But too much wind can cause the paint to dry unevenly.

Surface Type

The type of surface you are painting matters. Porous surfaces like wood absorb paint. This can make the paint dry faster. Non-porous surfaces like metal take longer to dry.

General Drying Times

Here are some general drying times for different types of exterior paint:

Type of PaintDrying Time
Latex Paint1 to 2 hours to touch, 4 to 6 hours to recoat
Oil-Based Paint6 to 8 hours to touch, 24 hours to recoat
How Long Does Exterior Paint Take to Dry? Quick TipsFor a flawless finish on your home's exterior, discover the best paint for T1-11 siding. And when you're ready for an indoor upgrade, find the perfect paint for your brick fireplace to complement your freshly painted exterior.


Tips for Faster Drying

Want your paint to dry faster? Here are some tips:

  • Paint in good weather. Choose a day with moderate temperature and low humidity.
  • Use a quick-drying paint. Latex paint dries faster than oil-based paint.
  • Apply thin coats. Thick coats take longer to dry.
  • Use fans to improve air circulation.
  • Make sure the surface is clean and dry before painting.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes people make:

  • Painting in bad weather. Cold or humid days can ruin your paint job.
  • Applying thick coats. This can cause the paint to dry unevenly.
  • Not waiting long enough between coats. This can lead to a poor finish.
  • Ignoring the surface type. Different surfaces require different preparation.
How Long Does Exterior Paint Take to Dry? Quick TipsFor a flawless finish on your home's exterior, discover the best paint for T1-11 siding. And when you're ready for an indoor upgrade, find the perfect paint for your brick fireplace to complement your freshly painted exterior.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Long For Exterior Paint To Dry?

Exterior paint typically takes 4 to 8 hours to dry. Drying time can vary depending on weather conditions.

Does Weather Affect Paint Drying Time?

Yes, weather significantly affects drying time. High humidity and low temperatures can slow down the drying process.

Can I Paint In Cold Weather?

Painting in cold weather is not advisable. Low temperatures can extend drying time and affect paint adhesion.

How To Speed Up Paint Drying?

To speed up drying, paint during warm, dry weather. Using fans or heaters can also help.


So, how long does exterior paint take to dry? It depends on several factors. But with the right conditions, you can achieve a beautiful finish. Plan your painting project carefully. Follow the tips above. You will have a stunning, long-lasting paint job.

For more tips on choosing the right paint, check out best paint for T1-11 siding. If you are painting shutters and doors, you might find this guide helpful.


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