How to Remove Acrylic Paint From Wall? – 7 Easy Ways

Written By James Donald
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No wonder, acrylic paint is widely used by artists because it’s easy to paint with. However, when you spill the paint accidentally, it annoys you. When acrylic paint dries, they are hard to remove. Before the paint leaves permanent marks on the wall, you should act fast.

Luckily, certain items are readily available in almost every household. By using simple ways, you can get the acrylic paint off your wall in no time. So, how to remove acrylic paint from wall? Below listed are seven easy ways to help you get relief from the annoying strain.

Get Acrylic Paint Off from Walls in 7 Easy Steps

If you have accidentally made your walls dirty with acrylic paint, there is nothing to worry about. With easy ways, you can get rid of the stain in less time. Here are some ways to get acrylic paint off your wall.

1. Use a Liquid Soap Solution

If the acrylic paint spills or splashes are fresh, a water and soap solution might do the trick. A liquid soap solution should be perfect for the job. Also, you need a sponge or clean cloth for scrubbing.

Next, put the liquid soap in water in the right amount. Apply the solution to the paint. Allow it to sit for some time before scrubbing it off with a sponge or cloth.

2. Use Baking Soda Paste

There is no denying that baking soda is used to make pastries and loaves of bread fluffy. However, it can do certain things as well. For example, baking soda is tough on stains when you apply it in the right way.

Take baking soda in an adequate amount and add little water so that the mix becomes a thin paste. Now, apply the paste to the stains on the wall and allow it to sit for some time. Finally, scrub the area with a sponge.

3. Use Rubbing Alcohol

Wiping the acrylic paint with rubbing alcohol is another effective way to remove paint stains from the wall. Rubbing alcohol or isopropyl is a unique solvent that works wonders on stains. If you have rubbing alcohol nearby, it can help you remove fresh acrylic paint stains from the walls.

Take a piece of cloth and soak it in the alcohol. Gently wipe the cloth on the stains. Keep in your mind that the method can take a considerable amount of time to remove the stains.

4. Use Vinegar on the Paint Stains

Using vinegar to remove stains from the walls should not be your first choice. That’s because it leaves a strong smell after application. Despite that, vinegar is effective when it comes to removing acrylic stains from the walls. You need to heat vinegar by using a microwave or a saucepan.

The solution works on stubborn stains with ease. You can follow up with a cleaner with a great fragrance to get rid of the vinegar smell from the wall.

Get more ideas on different types of paintings.

5. Use Acetone if the Paint Stain is Tough

Considered a powerful solvent, acetone is effective for almost every kind of stain. Especially, the ones that have dried. If you are thinking about applying acetone to remove paint stains, you have to keep certain things in mind. Or else, it might damage the original paint as well. But if you apply the solution perfectly, there shouldn’t be concerns.

Follow these steps to remove stains using acetone.

  • Use a rag to make the area clean by removing debris and dirt
  • Scrape off the paint a bit
  • Take as much acetone as you need for the stain to go away. If the paint stain is not a big one, spray acetone into a small piece of cloth before applying it to the paint. However, if the stain is tough, pour acetone directly onto the area
  • Use a piece of cloth or sponge to scrub off the wet area
  • Rinse thoroughly and repeat the steps until there are no stains

6. Use a Scraper

When the paint stains have dried out and have become enough thick, a scraper can save your day. Chisel away the stain using the scraper gently. Make sure that you don’t do the task hastily because it might damage the original paint on the wall. When you are done removing a major part of the stain, use the solvents and solutions above mentioned to remove any residue left.

7. Use Sandpaper

Using sandpaper to remove paint stains on the walls might appear like a bad idea. That’s because the original wall paint might get damaged. But when you do it the right way, the sandpaper can remove the paint stain without damaging anything. Focus on the stain and gently apply the sandpaper in a wiping motion. After that, remove the residue by applying any of the above-mentioned solutions.

How to Get Acrylic Paint off Your Wall
How to Get Acrylic Paint Off Your Wall?

How to Deal with Stubborn Paint Stains?

Acrylic paint stains may contain stubborn pigments and might become a nightmare to remove. In that case, you need to consider potent solvents to remove the stains.

For example, you can consider buying a great product like the Adhesive Remover Spray from Goo Gone. It removes paint stains without damaging the original surface underneath. However, if the acrylic paint stains on the wall are a bit stubborn, you can try another product, too.

The Smart ‘n Easy Citrus Paint and Varnish Remover Gel can remove several layers of paint. Besides, the product is 100% biodegradable. It means you don’t have to worry about toxic chemicals and harmful smells.

Also, you can consider using the Multi-Stripped Advanced Paint and Varnish Remover. The formula is free of harmful substances and 100% biodegradable. It doesn’t leave an unpleasant smell either.

Wrap Up

Keep in your mind that acrylic paint becomes tough to remove if they stay for a longer period. Hence, try to remove the stains without wasting much time. That way, the whole process of removing the stains becomes easy as well.

If you want to remove acrylic paint, the above-mentioned ways should help you. Using household items to remove stains from the walls is a great idea that you should try. Additionally, it is worth trying commercial chemical cleaners when the stains become stubborn.

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